Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love II El Amor II

Como les comenté en otra ocasión,  yo tiendo a celebrar las fechas a mi antojo y todavía estoy celebrando el día del amor y la amistad.
Aquí les comparto unas imágenes hermosas, que pueden darles nuevas ideas para compartir con su pareja, en familia o de forma individual.

As I’ve mentioned before, I tend to celebrate special days whenever the mood strikes me and I am still celebrating Valentine’s Day.
These beautiful images, can give you new ideas of things to do with your significant other, with family or by yourself.

Delicious, decadent, divine!!!!
Deliciosas, decadentes, divinas!!!

La rosas son el símbolo perfecto del amor y en este tono son exquisitas
Roses are the perfect symbol of love and in this shade of pink they are exquisite

Ice cream anyone? yes I know it's still rather cold
but look at how delicious these cones look
all set up for 2
Alguien quiere helado?
Sí, ya se que aún estamos en invierno,
pero que deliciosas se ven estas barquillas para 2


  1. Dear Marisol, share your idea of celebrating what we love, makes us well beyond the dates officially defined. Congratulations posted by beauties, by your good ideas and great taste. Affectionate hug.

    1. Maria de Fatima, I am so happy to receive your visit. It is truly wonderful when our friends and other appreciate and understand what we do!!! Thank you very much. Hugs and kisses
